
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Philippine Troops Kill Top Terrorist

The Philippine military is claiming to have killed one of the top terrorist in that beautiful island.This guy is part of the terrorist group called Abu Saayaf.They are an arm of Al Qaeda.This is the second time that the Philippine Army has claimed to have killed this same guy.The last time they made this claim,the guy turned up on the radio the next day.Since it has been a few days since the military launch the attack they think he may be dead.The terrorist name is Albader Parad, he is responsible for the 2004 ferry bombing that killed over a hundred people.He first came to the public's attention when he was involved in an operation in which they(Abu Sayyaf)abducted 20 western tourists and Malaysian resort workers on Sipadan island near eastern Malaysia's Sabah state in 2000.His group also kidnapped three members of the International Red Cross on Jolo Island in January of this year.He is on the United States terrorist list.

1 comment:

  1. Another bad guy takes a fall.When are these guy's going to learn that they are eventually going to get caught or killed.It would be different if their cause meant something and didn't involved so many innocence people.
