
Saturday, October 23, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Dragon Double Pack) [Blu-ray]How to Train Your Dragon (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Dragon Double Pack) [Blu-ray]The 7th VictimThe 7th VictimKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest GenerationKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wyclef Jean Running For President of his native Haiti

Wyclef Jean a rapper who came to the United States to pursue his dream of becoming a rap star. He's done that and more.Jean has become one of rap's top rapper & song writer. While amassing a fortune and power in the rap game,Wyclef has decided to do something better and for his mother Land. Wyclef Jean has decided to run for President of Haiti. He thinks that nothing much is being done to get Haiti back on her feet. Since the earthquake there hasn't been much improvement in getting Haiti back to where it was before the earthquake.More women and kids are dying because of malnutrition.The infrastructure hasn't been rebuilt, there are not even enoght paved roads to get all the aid that are all ready there to the people. Jean thinks this is his chance to get the country started back on the right road to recovery. player player

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miss USA's Pole Dancing Past

The new Miss USA pageant winner Rima Fakih, a Lebanese Arab American is embroiled in a pole dancing scandal. Fakih who just won the pageant Sunday night was featured on the radio show Mojo in the morning in Detroit.Mojo in the morning says that he has had those pictures from 2007. He also says that the contest that he gave was an anunal pole dancing contest held every year since at The Coliseum Gentlemen's Club.Some of the contestants are Lawyers,Judges,Corporate execs,and Media personalities"saids Mojo".Rima Fakih was 21 years old at the time and didn't think anything was wrong with entering the contest. She has said later that she thought it was a fun thing to do.By the way she won the contest.Mojo posted the photo's of Miss USA after she won on Sunday on his web site.Radaronline reports that pageant officials has contacted the radio station.They've asked for all of the photo's. Mojo has said that he is not giving away his photo's.Rima who's family immigrated here from Lebanon is  Catholic.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Michael Jackson's Former Lover

Well here we are again folks. Talking about another weird story of Michael Jackson. This guy name is Jason Pfeiffer and he claims to have been Michael Jackson's lover.He is the office manager of Michael Jackson's dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein.The 35 year old Pfeiffer claims that he and Michael started consoling each other about their child hood. After telling each other stories, they started to cry. So Jason went over to give Michael a hug and one thing lead to another and it went from there, according to Jason.He said their first date was in Jason Pfeiffer's car. We can imagine what that was like Uhhhh. Jason also said and I quote"I've lost my soul mate, it's very hard to describe the loss I feel but there is something that is empty in my heart" end of quote. Can you believe that.I think it's time to let Michael rest in peace.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

60,000 Prostitute's in The Ukraine

The Ukraine has a problem with prostitute's. In Kiev, they have what they call sex tours where you can take a bus around Kiev's Red light district. The police are not getting involved for some unknown reason.There's one Hotel or maybe more than one Hotel that most of these women work out of. Some of the prostitute's are saying that they can make as much as $300-400 Americans dollars a week working out of these Hotels. That is like the equivalent of $1000-$2000 here in the United States. Most of these women's are living in poverty there. Some even bring their 13 and 14 year old daughters with them. The journalist is heard saying that these women service different foreigner's going from one Hotel room to another in a night to make money. Kiev isn't a very big city or state so 60,000 women from that small place has to be close to the majority, I would think. Maybe I'm wrong. This place makes Las Vegas look like a shrine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Crotch Grabber is on the loose in LA

This is one of the funniest thing's I have ever heard. There's a guy in Los Angeles, mainly at UCLA that has been going around grabbing women crotches. Believe me I can not make this kind of thing up.First off this is happening at UCLA campus where a total of six women has file charges that a man grab them in between their legs.The latest attack happen Wednesday at about 6:00 p.m.east of Westwood Village near Ralph's grocery store.The victim said a male suspect reached out and tried to grab her crotch, said UCLA police.These crotch grabbing incidents date back to March 8th. All the attacks occurred between 3:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. on Westwood Plaza between Charles E. Young Drive South and just south of Le Conte Ave. All six women discribe the attacker as a hispanic male beyween the age of 40 to 60 years old, 5 ft. 3 inches to 5ft 6 inches tall, 150 pounds to 180 pounds with a dark complexion,brown eyes, and a pot belly.The women also said the suspect wore different hats.A 25 year old student was arrested by campus police last Friday night,April 2, at his dorm room in Delta Terrace hall in connection with that incident. The student name is Thaddeus Ryan Staniforth of Fullerton was charged Tuesday with kidnapping,assault and sexual battery by restraint, all stemming from this alleged attack. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. I told you this was a wild and crazy story. Now let's hear your comments.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Michael Jordan's Spending Spree<><><><><><>

Well it looks like Michael Jordan has been on a spending spree lately.Michael Jordan whom has always dreamed of owning a professional basketball team, well now he doesn't have to dream anymore. Michael Jordan just became the majority owner of the Carolina Bobcat's. The Bobcat's are a professional basketball team in the NBA(national basketball association). Jordan just purchase majority ownership from Robert Johnson whom also owns the black cable station BET(black entertainment tv).The purchasing price was said to be between $300-$400 million dollars. Yes folks I said $300-$400 MILLION DOLLARS.Michael Jordan is said to be worth $700-$800 million dollars. Yes folks I said $700-$800 MILLION DOLLARS. Robert Johnson will keep a minority share of the team, but Jordan is the owner outright. Jordan also just tried to purchase a top end steakhouse in downtown Chicago. The steakhouse was to be at 353 N. Clark Street in the swanky River North area but, the deal was nixed.The deal I hear was between Cornerstone Restaurant Group LLC and Mesirow Financial was close to happening, to the point that a lease was ready to be signed. Michael Jordan still owns a steakhouse here in Chicago on the west side called one sixty blue in skid row at west Randolph Street. Jordan also has a steakhouse in New York.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Polish President and 100's others killed in plane crash

This is not a good day in the world of Poland. The Polish president and some of his top officials died in a airplane crash.The crash of an aging Russian airliner ravaged the top levels of Poland's military,political and church elite Saturday, killing the polish president and and hundreds of other dignitaries as they travel to a ceremony commemorating a slaughter that has divided the two nations for seven decades.Twenty monks rang the Zygmunt bell at Krakow's Wawel Cathedral, the burial spot of Polish kings-a tolling reserved for times of profound importance or grief.The crash also shocked Russia.(Imagine that).Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said quote "On this difficult day the people of Russia stand with the people of Poland".Poland's president Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria of many years died together just as they would have wanted it.The Polish Prime Minister was not on that plane.Prime Minister Donald Tusk and some cabinet members flew from Smolensk from Warsaw. The president's twin brother, the former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski headed to the area in a chartered plane along with party members.Vladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister attened the funeral and lay a reaf at the body of the Polish president.The Polish constitution says the parliament speaker announce early elections within 14 days of the president's death. The vote must be held within another 60 days.My condolences to the Polish people.

Elizabeth Taylor's New Husband (Her 9th)

Well here we are again. Elizabeth Taylor is preparing to wed for the ninth time. The serial wife and icon, recently became engaged to 49 year old Jason Winters of Sterling Winters Management.Jason represent some high profile clients like Janet Jackson. They have not confirmed that yet. They've been together for a very long time. They started dating right around the time Taylor divorced her last husband, gold digging Larry Fortensky in 1996.Taylor and Fortensky was married for five years.Liz has been overheard saying that Jason is one of the most wonderful men in the world to gossip columnist Liz Smith.Taylor and Winters was spotted about three years ago on a Hawaiian vacation necking.Liz Taylor is 78 years old, here's to hoping this will be her final marriage.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Exclusive: Tiger Woods Interview - Golf Video | Golf Channel

Exclusive: Tiger Woods Interview - Golf Video Golf Channel
Well Tiger Woods is back and he's talking.He's talking with golf's channel Kelly Tilghman, whom some would say had a tongue slip about Tiger Woods about a year ago. Yes Miss Tilghman made some dispairishing remarks about her friend Tiger Woods in the TV booth to Nick Faldo. All Faldo could do was just laught it off, even he thought it was something very stupid to say.Tiger Woods took the high road and accepted her apology.Woods says he is happy to be back on the golf course practicing for his first golf tournament since his Thanksgiving nite car accident that was heard all over the world.He knows that he has to answer a lot of questions as soon as he steps out onto Augusta National. I really think he can pull it off and still come away with his 15th major of his career.That more than anything may put a lot of his critics to bed. We'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2: New Infected Versus Gameplay

Small Town Iowa Team beat #1 Kansas

Well here we go again, sports fans another top rank team get's it's lunch handed to them. Northern Iowa upset number one Kansas Jayhawks in the second round of the NCAA tournament.Northern Iowa, where in the hell is Northern Iowa located anyways. Well this small college  is located in Cedar Falls,Iowa. The only reason that I know this is because my oldest sibling(sista)lives right outside of Des Moines. Northern Iowa beat Kansas 69-67 on Saturday afternoon. This is the second time top rank Kansas has went down in the second round, the last time was 1998 to the University of Rhode Island.The unlikely hero in this game was an senior from Iran. Yes folks I did say Iran. His name is Ali Farokhmanesh. His parents came here in 1978 to get away from all of the turmoil in Iran that the late Shah of Iran had left behind after his overthrow.His father Mashallah Farokhmanesh went on to earn his master's and Ph.D. Mashallah and Ali's mother quit their volleyball coaching job's two years ago to follow Ali around the country to watch him play basketball. It was strange how Ali wound up taking the biggest shot of his collegiate carrer. With all of Northern Iowa's top players on the floor Ali decided to take what turns out to be the final shot. Ali says he was a little nervous but knew he had to take that shot because time was running out. Teammates Johhny Moran,Adam Koch,Lucas O'Rear,and Jordan Eglseder could not beleive he took the shot. They were all saying "no,no,no,Yes" said Adam Koch.Even Kansas defender Tyrel Reed didn't think he was going to take the shot so he backed away from Ali. We are now down to the sweet sixteen and there are three big 10 teams still standing. Ohio State,Michigan State, and Purdue. Let's hope one of them can bring home the trophy since Illinois did not make it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lady Gaga sued by former Producer

Hello again out there in cyberspace. Sorry it has taken me so long to write a new article, had connection issues. Well it is all taken care of now.Anyways, this new article is about Lady Gaga being sued by her former producer.Her former Producer whose name is Rob Fusari and also doubles as former boyfriend is suing her for $30.5 Million. Fusari or Rob if you prefer, says that Lady Gaga ditched him as her career started to take off. He also claims that he co-wrote the songs,Paparazzi and Beautiful,dirty and Rich. Fusari or Rob also said he came up with her stage name (Laddy Gaga).Her real name is Stefani Germanotta. Lady Gaga won two Grammy awards back in January for "Best Dance Recording for Poker Face", and "Best electronic/dance Album for The Fame". I personally think this has something to do with the comment Lady Gaga made on one of the morning talk shows when she said" I'm not having sex right now and thinking about saving myself. Now if that wasn't a hint for her ex than I think he just doesn't get it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pilot arrested shortly before takeoff

Faked PilotNow this is a strange story. The Nettherlands police say a pilot suspected os flying with a forged pilot license for more than 10 years was arrested shortly before he was suppose to depart on a flight with 101 passengers.Isn't that scary? The national police said wednesday that the man, a 41 year old Swede who lives in Milan, was arrested in the cockpit of a Boeing 737 scheduled to fly from Amsterdam to Ankara, Turkey. The attorney for the turkish airline, Mr Benno Friedberg said the company had co-operated with police and had a reserve pilot prepared to take over the flight.The police said that the man once had a commercial pilot license, but it had expired and it never qualified him to take passengers flight. According to statements taken from the pilot, he said he was relieved that his misdeeds had come to light, he pulled off his stripes at the time of his arrest.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

18 Year Old Trying to become NYC youngest Council member

Abraham Tischler from Brooklyn, is trying to become the youngest person to be elected to New York City council. He is trying to get the Borough Park Council seat that was once held by Simcha Felder, who recently accepted a job with the Controller John Liu. The Touro College sophomore said his inexperience would help him in the long run, since he doesn't owe any favors. One of Tischler main goals once he becomes councilmen is to save student Metrocards, which is on chopping block for the Metropolitan Transportation Agency as it looks to close a multi-million dollar budget gap.  One of Tischler opponents, 31 year old David Greenfield has launched a lawsuit against Tischler, claiming his petitions have forged and duplicated signatures. In all Tishler has gathered 1,415 signatures and adamantly denies any of them are lacking validity.Greenfield formally chief of staff for Assemblyman Dov Hikind, seems to be Mayor Bloomberg's pick for the seat and is considered one of the front runners. So far he has raised $131,000 for the race. Tischler's father, who has capped spending for his son's campaign at $1,000,is callingthe lawsuit ridiculous. He claims Greenfield is simply trying to knock his son off the ballot because he's scared.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Dubai murder plot

This is a weird story, it almost sounds like a movie trailer. A group of European Israelis went to Dubai to put a hit on a Hamas leader. Hamas is a Palestinian terrorist group that has been at war with Israel for over 40 years. The Hamas leaders name is Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. al-Mabhouh is the founding member of the military wing of Hamas. He was in Dubai on business and pleasure.He was found dead in his hotel room on January 20th 2010. The Dubai police believed he was kill the night before on the 19th. They(the Dubai police) also believe that it was the work of Mossad. Mossad is the Israeli secret police similar to our C.I.A here in the United States. There was a cell of about 26 Israelis that the Dubai police can verify. There were 12 suspects using Bristish passports,6 were using Irish passports, 4 French passports, 3 Australian passports, and 1 German passport. The Dubai government and police said they do not accept other country's coming into Dubai to settle their score on Dubai's land. The EU(the european union) strongly condemns the use of false EU passports in connections with al-Mabhouh's slaying.Most of the passports if not all of them were use with some real Israelis back in Israel. The others were just false passports. The Dubai government and police are still not sure how al-Mabhouh die. They are telling his family members that he had signs of electric shocks on his legs, behind his ears, on his genitals and over his heart. Blood on the pillows led police to think he was suffocated. The assassin's left some of al-Mabhouh's medicine on the bed next to him in a effort to suggest his death was not suspicious.

ESPN suspends popular morning sports talk show host

ESPN has suspended morning sports talk show host Tony Kornheiser.Kornhesier is the host of the popular morning sports show "Pardon the Interruption".Kornheiser made some provocitive remarks about Sportscenter anchor Hannah Storm's clothing.What he said was and I quote"Hannah Stormin a horrifying,horrifying outfit today".She's got on red go-go boots and a catholic school plaid skirt that's way too short for somebody in her 40's or maybe early 50's by now end of quote. He also said she's got on her typically very,very tight shirt.She looks like she has sausage casing wrapping around her upper body.Kornheiser has been suspended for two weeks fron his popular morning show.ESPN vice president for content said"Hurtful and personal comments such as these are not acceptable and have significant consequences". I personally think you should have gotten more of a suspension and maybe a fine for even saying those words.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lindsay Lohan admits to using cocaine

I read today that Lindsay Lohan finally admit to using drugs.After her third stint in rehab,she came clean.Lohan who is now 23 years old has seen a lot for 23 years.She also admit that she came close to killing herself by mixing cocaine and alcohol.Lindsay says her problem got worst back in 2007 after her DUI. She found out that her father,Michael was talking to the media about her drug addiction.Michael a former drug addict himself was always getting high and would beat up Lindsay's mother Dina.Lindsay who is bisexual,but is in a lesbian relationship said she is clean and sober.She said that she thanks god that no one got hurt doing her time of intoxication.Let's hope she is telling us the truth when she says I'm clean and sober.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Philippine Troops Kill Top Terrorist

The Philippine military is claiming to have killed one of the top terrorist in that beautiful island.This guy is part of the terrorist group called Abu Saayaf.They are an arm of Al Qaeda.This is the second time that the Philippine Army has claimed to have killed this same guy.The last time they made this claim,the guy turned up on the radio the next day.Since it has been a few days since the military launch the attack they think he may be dead.The terrorist name is Albader Parad, he is responsible for the 2004 ferry bombing that killed over a hundred people.He first came to the public's attention when he was involved in an operation in which they(Abu Sayyaf)abducted 20 western tourists and Malaysian resort workers on Sipadan island near eastern Malaysia's Sabah state in 2000.His group also kidnapped three members of the International Red Cross on Jolo Island in January of this year.He is on the United States terrorist list.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Man Gives Birth For the third time

First off I would like to apologize for this article,but I came across this article yesterday and thought it was very interesting.This guy whose name is Thomas Beatie had his third child with his wife of 7 years.Thomas Beatie who is really a girl name Tracy.He grew up in Hawaii where he became a model and was a finalist in the Miss Hawaii contest.Early into his 20's Thomas started dressing up as a man.At some point and time he decided that he would retain his female reproductive organs.Thomas now lives in Oregon with his wife and three kids.They have a small business that they run.When his wife was asked why she didn't bear the kids,her reply was that she can't have kids.Yes folks there are days when I come across some very weir stories and feel the need to share them.But I did apologize at the beginning.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The War on terror

I saw the other day the U.S. and it's coalition partners capture the number 2 guy in the Taliban. The U.S. and Pakistani military capture this guy across the border into Pakistan.According to Associated Press this guy was a military stratagist.The U.S. and it's partners have kept everything under wraps for about a month.The C.I.A and Pakistani intelligence has been interegating this guy.The word is that this guy is whistling dixie from Pakistan all the way back to Kabul.They(Associated Press)also said the U.S. wanted to wait to see if any of the things this guy was telling them would pan out.The U.S.and Pakistani offical's think he may also know where Osama Bin Laden is.

Tiger Woods Big Apology????

Well folks Tiger Woods is suppose to come out today with an expected apology about his alleged affairs with several women besides his wife. And he is supposebly have it at a golf venture near his home in Florida. Ponte Verda Beach Florida at TPC Sawgrass. He will be surrounded by some friends and close business associates. Another factor to all of this is that he is having it smack in the middle of the Accenture Match Play Tournament in Arizona. Accenture is one of the sponsors that drop Tiger Woods after the fall out of the alleged affairs. Maybe this is Tiger Woods way of getting back at Accenture.(Vindictive you think).